Thursday, April 30, 2009

Human Services

This is the Think Energy! Utah agency blog for the Department of Human Services.


  1. As your E Team Captain, I encuourge you to engage and motivate your co-workers to THINK! AND TAKE ACTION at work, at home and in your communities to establish an energy efficient and sustainable culture. I ask that you send me suggestions that will help create ideas to accomplish the goal of reducing energy 20% by 2015.

  2. I think 20% energy savings is a great starting point. However I would like to share with you my energy goal of saving 200%. I would need special permission to mount some solar panels and wind generator. How can you save 200%, you ask? I'm glad you asked! This is possible by generating more energy than you use, and selling the surplus back to the power company!!! This would only help with the budget as well. Please let me know what you think about mounting high efficiency solar cells or wind generators to our buildings and properties.

  3. I do what I can. Here are some of the things I do to help conserve resources or improve the world. I car pool with someone that has a similar work schedule. I plan out all my trips and try to do them all at once. If I can walk somewhere I will. I only have one light on at a time in my house. I do not use poisons in my house or my yard. I recycle or reuse everything I can. I would like to find a place where I can recycle glass again. When brushing my teeth and shaving I do not leave the water running. I also time my showers, if I didn't I would take a 15-20 minute shower. If I am shopping somewhere I do not use a bag if I am only getting a few items. I am now using green cleaning products. I figure I want to grow old and still have beautiful natural areas to go and enjoy the wildlife. I want to have clean air and water free of pollutants. I want to have as many species around when I grow old as there are now. I feel connected to and cherish our world and would like humanity as a whole, but willing accept a person by person joining, to take stewardship for the world. Loving and caring for the planet and all the life on it. I believe even the little things a person can do everyday will help make the difference.

  4. I think this is an exciting time to be involved and adopt an agressive approach to conservation. Society as a whole has become more aware and involved. Being a part of government and being able to take strides to make a difference does bring me personal satisfaction.

    In my personal life I conserve everywhere I can, home energy consumption, gas and driving reduction measures - living healthy and green.

  5. I agree completely with installing solar panels as that technology has developed greatly over the last decade. The wind generator is also a very plausible solution and there is ample space out by the farm to install it. Also we could cut back on the paper waste by installing automatic hand dryers in the bathrooms around the facility. Improvements will obviously require some more upfront costs but that will equate to lower costs or no costs in the future.

  6. How about the State, the Counties and City facilities and resource management people (human resources included) get together and figure a way for government workers that provide similar government services share office space at one unified site?

    For example government workers (State, County or City) in the Sandy area that provide "Human Services" could share office space at or near Sandy City Hall IF (big IF) the space exists to support those workers.

    This kind of consolidation could have the following benefits:

    - Consolidates access to service in one location for our constituents. Our constituents might appreciate having all of the similar government resources in one location or near each other. For example, consolidating State DHS entities with Salt Lake County Human Service entities would make accessibility a lot easier for our clients. The state has done some actual (negative) consolidation at some locations. For example, near the point of the mountain the State has a DMV office right next door to a State Liquor Store. Just across I-15 from the DMV and Liquor store is the State Prison. The irony of these three facilities in close proximity to each other can't be understated.

    - Reduces the need for two facilities since three groups will now meet in one location (this again assumes there is enough space at the largest site to support the number of workers and constituents visiting the site)

    - Allows government entities to pool resources, for example if a State building was the "Host" site, the "tenant" entities (City and/or County) could help pay the utility, lease and other facility costs.

    - Presumably, saves the "tenant" entities money since they no longer have to pay their own lease cost.

    - Saves worker's commute time and gas (provided of course, they live near the site they are assigned to work)

    - Consolidates training locations for government employees and managers. Training can be expensive without having the added cost of travel. If all of the DRHM facilities are co-located with County level Human Resource entities they could share training space, and possibly other training assets (i.e., CPM).

  7. I can't really believe that DHS is running this blog. DSPD announces layoffs this weekend, and people are wasting time worrying about a few carbon emissions. Spend money to buy solar panels and a wind generator when we DHS is laying off hard working loyal employees, cutting provider payments by 3.5% and cutting services to clients?

    I REALLY think that a priority evaluation is in order.

  8. I certainly sympathize with others in the department who are experiencing budget cuts. Honestly, I think the effort to save jobs should have the priority over green technology. Any effort that saves the department and agency's money can (and should) be used just to keep costs down. The resulting savings in a positive environmental impact should be a secondary residual effect. I don't think it does the organization any good to have great energy efficiency at the expense of losing employees from the same organization. After all, if the employees aren't around to keep the environment green, the planet won't be green for long.

  9. I noticed in my office building (which is fairly small by comparison) that every single computer monitor is left on all the time. Hard drives are off, but the monitors are all left on (even when a coworker leaves for two weeks). I've been shutting mine off every evening when I leave, and it's on a power strip as well, that is turned off at night.
    I know there is some controvery over whether this is bad for computers or not, but with new technology, I'm certain it's fine, and will save a lot of dough on energy bills.

  10. We have some great ideas that are being shared. My goal is that we can take the suggestions in regards to those which we have control over and change our patterns of behavior to make better choices, like shutting off our power strips, monitors, lights, and so forth. Please keep sharing and thinking of ways to conserve our resources.

  11. The purpose of this blog is to help generate ideas and motivation to further one particular initative. I don't believe concentrating on pending serious issues such as energy conservation is meant to minimize the difficult economic situation we are facing. It just isn't possible to stop forward momentum due to our present challenges. We are all attempting to persevere despite what we are financially facing today.

  12. Mass Transit should be our focus it allows people more options on where they wish to live and how they want to get places. It also serves our most economically fragile citizens the most. The stark reality is that many working people cannot afford the costs asscociated with owning an automobile.Many others are willing to use mass transit for health anxiety and environmental reasons but do not have choices. We spend far more improving our highways which if we learn anything from states like California then we should understand that this does not necessarily improve the quality of life. I think that each citizen regardless of their socio-economic background should ask the hard questions and remember that part of being grateful for what we have is understanding that others do not have the same choices or opportunities and that bumping up our taxes a few dollars to promote the abilty for all people to get to work or the store or to visit their children and grand children and save our earth is money well spent.I am excited to see Sugar House bringing back the Trolley car way to go! That is an example of what can be done everywhere with a little though and forsight.

  13. There are a number of things we can do to reduce energy usage within our own work space.
    During the summer closing West facing windows in the afternoon can reduce cooling costs, turning off personal fans when they are not in use or wearing lighter weight clothing so the fans are not necessary.

    During the winter wearing warmer clothing and turning down the thermostat, turn off the personal heaters and scrap the ice off of windows instead of allowing vehicles to idle.

    Year-round – walk between buildings when weather permits instead of driving, turn off overhead lights when there is enough natural light to illuminate the work space or when they are not in use. Recycle when possible. Reuse paper from misprinting for scratch paper or to print notes that will be thrown away anyway. Do not print unless necessary, set up file and achieve options on your email and save digitally instead of printing. Enable the sleep mode on computers, printer and copiers during the work day. Boot down computers for the weekends. Remove yourself from mailing lists you do not purchase from (both at work or home) through DMA Choice ( Subscribe to newspapers and magazines via internet instead of paper.

    At home there are a ton of things that can be done check out this link with some suggestions:
